Friday, July 15, 2011

NLP Hypnosis: Defining Clinical Hypnosis : Self Improvement

NLP Hypnosis: Defining Clinical Hypnosis

Article by Joel chue

Clinical hypnosis is the interaction of a hypnotist with thesub-conscious mind of the person being hypnotized, whichplays an integral role in his treatment. In most cases, onlyqualified physicians can perform such hypnosis since theyhave the required knowledge about the mental state of apatient at a given time.

Nowadays clinical hypnosis have gained more prominences asit has become an accepted practice to consult a trainedhypnotist to treat problems like drinking or smokingaddiction. In fact, the use of clinical Hypnosis has alsoextended to the area of weight control where trainedhypnotists have used hypnosis to treat obesity.

Many of us have actually no idea what is hypnosis allabout. In fact, some of us have the mistaken idea thathypnosis is a situation where the hypnotist just refreshes aperson?s mind under a trance. On the contrary, hypnosisneeds a lot of effort on both the part of the hypnotist andpatient as well before any positive results can be seen. Thepatient is also required to play an interactive role duringthe course of his treatment. Because of these factors, a bigpart of the treatment session is about creating the rightsetting for the patient attitude so that he can fullycooperate with the hypnotist. How long each treatment takesdepends on how readily the patient adopts the suggestion andrecommendations of the hypnotist. Patients wishing to ridthemselves of smoking and drinking need to be extremelypatience as the treatment take time to be effective.

A situation where a trained hypnotist treats a patientunder hypnosis is called therapeutic hypnosis. Whereashypnosis is self-induced by oneself using skills learnt fromreading books or watching CDs, such a situation is termed as self hypnosis. Clinical hypnosis differs from the rest inthe respect that the hypnotist has a clear understanding ofthe mental aspect of the patient health. As such, it is aprudent idea where in case that you wish to seektreatment-using hypnosis, you consult a trained hypnotistqualified to treat you.

Most people who wish to quit their habits of drinking andsmoking opt for this kind of treatment. It is believed thata chunk of the income that hypnotists get is from patientswho wish to get rid of their smoking and drinking habits.Presently, there is not enough material to support thetreatment of serious diseases like diabetes, cancer, etc.,by hypnosis, but hypnosis can surely be used by cancerpatients to lessen the pain that they experience.

About the Author

What Can Hypnosis Do For You? Visit the Self Hypnosis Site. And Grab Our Excellent Free Mp3! Stop Smoking Hypnosis Archives!

Written by: Dan on July 15, 2011.

Posted by Dan on Friday, July 15, 2011 at 2:15 am?
Filed under NLP Hypnosis ? Tagged with Allabout, Asit, Attitude, Chue, Clinical, Clinical Hypnosis, Conscious Mind, Contrary, Defining, Hypnosis, Hypnotist, Integral Role, Interaction, Interactive Role, Mental Aspect, obesity, Patient Health, Physicians, Self Hypnosis, Suggestion, Therapeutic Hypnosis, Trance, Treatment Session


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