Saturday, July 30, 2011

Alopecia Areta Simple Facts | Article Whale

Hair loss problems are not at all uncommon as people age and grow older. Alopecia Areata is the common medical phrase for this particular problem. With this condition people often face massive hair loss at a very rapid rate over a defined area of the scalp. For many people their hair is their defining feature and when it is gone they suffer both physically and emotionally.

Potential Causes of Alopecia

Alopecia can affect hair on other areas of the body, but generally speaking, the scalp is the main target. In the early stages, there are often bald spots, giving the condition its unofficial designation of ?spot baldness?. The specifics behind the development of alopecia are not yet known, however most agree that one of these underlying conditions are at play

- Heredity

- Autoimmune Disorder

- Excessive seborrhea

- Extreme Illness ? Menopause

- Illness ? Menopause

- Excessive Seborrhea

Studies have shown there are also long lists of diseases in which alopecia or hair loss is a side effect.

Alopecia Treatment Options

There are several options for treatment of alopecia areata. Some treatments will have little if any affect while others will halt the hair loss process in its tracks. As a rule, dermatologists and physicians will simply track your condition when only a small portion of the scalp is involved, allowing regrowth to occur naturally.

Since autoimmune diseases are generally considered, the leading cause of hair loss or alopecia one of the main treatments for the problem is a medication that suppresses the immune system.

Topical treatments are also quite popular with a variety of patients. Usually a minoxidil 5% ointment is applied to the affected area. Both children and adults have reported improvement with this type of alopecia treatment. Hair re-growth can be expected within 12 weeks after starting treatment. The main problem with this treatment is that it does not cure the problem, and should you stop using it hair loss will begin again.

Natural Alternatives for Areata

Old home remedies and even Eastern Medicine have provided a number of natural cures for alopecia. One particular favorite is a combination of lavender, rosemary and thyme oils. Mix and massage these ingredients into the skin of the affected area. Some people have had great results with this home remedy. Onion juice or He Shou Wu, a Chinese herb is another common hair loss remedy. These have been used for years by countrymen to treat hair loss and the underlying causes. Natural solutions are not always 100% effective, but they can prove useful and are much less harmful to the skin than medications such as corticosteroids.

Emotional Trauma Associated with Areata

Hair loss brings a good deal of emotional trauma, in fact the emotional aspect is much worse than any physical discomfort. This is particularly true for women who learn there is not a medically reliable treatment option available to them. Beauty conscious women feel that the hair is a major asset and despite there being numerous treatment options none of them give any guarantees. In some cases, where the hair loss is pronounced ladies will cover their heads with caps, scarves and wigs to disguise the problem. This is not generally an issue for men, they will often just grab the clippers and shave it all off! Instead of covering up or treatment, they simply embrace baldness.

Find more information about hair loss: Scalp Med And Provillus


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