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By Lionjkt, on July 29th, 2011
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Hair loss problems are not at all uncommon as people age and grow older. Alopecia Areata is the common medical phrase for this particular problem. With this condition people often face massive hair loss at a very rapid rate over a defined area of the scalp. For many people their hair is their defining feature and when it is gone they suffer both physically and emotionally.
Potential Causes of Alopecia
Alopecia can affect hair on other areas of the body, but generally speaking, the scalp is the main target. In the early stages, there are often bald spots, giving the condition its unofficial designation of ?spot baldness?. The specifics behind the development of alopecia are not yet known, however most agree that one of these underlying conditions are at play
- Heredity
- Autoimmune Disorder
- Excessive seborrhea
- Extreme Illness ? Menopause
- Illness ? Menopause
- Excessive Seborrhea
Studies have shown there are also long lists of diseases in which alopecia or hair loss is a side effect.
Alopecia Treatment Options
There are several options for treatment of alopecia areata. Some treatments will have little if any affect while others will halt the hair loss process in its tracks. As a rule, dermatologists and physicians will simply track your condition when only a small portion of the scalp is involved, allowing regrowth to occur naturally.
Since autoimmune diseases are generally considered, the leading cause of hair loss or alopecia one of the main treatments for the problem is a medication that suppresses the immune system.
Topical treatments are also quite popular with a variety of patients. Usually a minoxidil 5% ointment is applied to the affected area. Both children and adults have reported improvement with this type of alopecia treatment. Hair re-growth can be expected within 12 weeks after starting treatment. The main problem with this treatment is that it does not cure the problem, and should you stop using it hair loss will begin again.
Natural Alternatives for Areata
Old home remedies and even Eastern Medicine have provided a number of natural cures for alopecia. One particular favorite is a combination of lavender, rosemary and thyme oils. Mix and massage these ingredients into the skin of the affected area. Some people have had great results with this home remedy. Onion juice or He Shou Wu, a Chinese herb is another common hair loss remedy. These have been used for years by countrymen to treat hair loss and the underlying causes. Natural solutions are not always 100% effective, but they can prove useful and are much less harmful to the skin than medications such as corticosteroids.
Emotional Trauma Associated with Areata
Hair loss brings a good deal of emotional trauma, in fact the emotional aspect is much worse than any physical discomfort. This is particularly true for women who learn there is not a medically reliable treatment option available to them. Beauty conscious women feel that the hair is a major asset and despite there being numerous treatment options none of them give any guarantees. In some cases, where the hair loss is pronounced ladies will cover their heads with caps, scarves and wigs to disguise the problem. This is not generally an issue for men, they will often just grab the clippers and shave it all off! Instead of covering up or treatment, they simply embrace baldness.
Find more information about hair loss: Scalp Med And Provillus
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Internet marketing and list building using lead capture pages. In internet marketing your list is or certainly will become your most valuable asset in making money for you online. Your list is simply the email addresses of those that have shown an interest in your products or services. This is extremely important to you, the marketer as it will be what you use to promote your business.
As all those on your list has shown an interest in your business it is easier to convert them into paying customers than merely directing them to an affiliate site. With just a little persuasion your prospects can be converted into customers boosting the conversion rate of your website.
How do you build these lists? The easiest way is to have a lead capture page, more commonly referred to as a Squeeze Page. They are simply a collection device to enable the marketer to capture some ones email and add them to their list. It is a simple one page web site which should create an immediate interest in the visitor to sign up to obtain further information or to claim a free gift.
First, you will need to have something attractive to tempt your visitor, an ebook perhaps or further information that they are interested in. It could easily be a newsletter that they would like to subscribe to. The choice is endless! It is imperative that the product offered is of excellent quality as this will be the benchmark against which people assess you and your business.
Offer this to your visitors but not directly, direct them to your opt in box on your squeeze page. You will request their email ID offering as well to keep them informed of any similar offers that you may come across. You should also ensure you have a disclaimer on your form assuring them that their emails will not be sold to third parties.
If they are interested they will normally subscribe to your list mainly because they will be impatient to receive your offer. Once they are on your list the rest is up to you. You may follow up with more useful information, remember don?t send them junk or spam. It?s your reputation at risk here. All the while you will need to promote your business in a subtle and discreet manner.
Once your list become convinced that your product will provide them with value will they decide to become a customer and not merely a prospect. It will not be long before you have some long term customers and you haven?t lowered your standards with poor products and a hard sell attitude. This is the trademark of a very good internet marketer.
For a superb gift visit; if you would like to learn all aspects of Internet Marketing. You will get three gifts valued at over $500. A 126 page eBook, a 26 part video course and a weekly newsletter. This is all value and will give you an excellent foundation to start an online business from scratch. Give it a try and you will be pleasantly surprised at how simple and logical the internet really is.
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For the third post in my Adoption Series, I have a guest post from Christy of Adventures in Mommyhood: Mommy Outnumberedabout the emotions involved in adopting her daughter from a family member. For more information about Christy, be sure to check out the bottom of this post and be on the lookout for 3 more posts from her about her adoption journey. This is the first of her own 4 part series.
Guest post from Adventures in Mommyhood: Mommy Outnumbered:
This is Part 1 of a 4 part series on our journey through adoption. Ours is unique in that we can have our ?own? children, we were not looking to adopt and that it was a family members child we adopted through the Foster Care system. Each adoption journey takes its own path; this is ours?.
Adoption Part 1: Emotions
?There?s a baby?.?
That?s how the conversation started between Ted and I.
?There?s a baby, and she needs a home?..?
Time stood still as I waited for him to finish?..
?There?s a baby, and she needs a home; maybe we can give her one?.?
I would like to say my first feelings were that of excitement and joy but then I would be lying. Instead I felt a mixture of anxiety, fear and strong motherly instinct to protect ?our? kids as well as this new baby whose existence I had only learned of seconds before all mixed into one. The butterflies swirled around in my belly and incoherent thoughts spilled out of my mouth.
?What can we do??
?But Kimmy is not even 1 yet!?
?Can we do this??
?No one else wants her??
?What?s her name??
?Carmen? That?s a pretty name!?
and finally?..
?We can do this! We have to do this!?
This interaction took all of a minute and it was within that first minute that I fell in love. I had not seen her, touched her, held her, nothing, but I was in love. How can you fall in love so quickly with someone you have never met? I don?t know, but I did. It was just meant to be I guess.
The fear was still there though, fear of the unknown, of the what ifs. The information we had was very little. All we knew for sure was that Ted?s sister had given birth to (ANOTHER!) baby who was taken away immediately after testing positive for drug exposure. The listed father was incarcerated and apparently there was also a ?legal? father as it appeared. Unknown to all members of the family, his sister was married, and, in our state, if you are married then your husband is legally considered the father until proven otherwise.
Sadly this was not the first, second or even third time a child had been removed from his sister and placed with other family members. Given the track record we knew the odds were in our favor for it to be a permanent placement, but it was not necessarily a 100% guarantee. I was already in love though so it was a gamble I was willing to take.
The next 4 weeks were a blur of appointments all over town, home inspections, finger printing, background checks, doctors visits, even a visit to the vet. They were thorough and needed physicals on every member of the family, including our dog.
The approval was given for us to be the familial foster home, and a court date was set to make it official. It was still only considered temporary in the eyes of the court and the ultimate goal was still listed as reconciliation. We were given hope in the fact that they could not even locate Ted?s sister and, in our state, there is a ?60 day abandonment law? that states if a baby is taken into custody and the parents go more than 60 days without contacting anyone involved with the case then the court can rule to terminate parental rights. The law was created for babies dropped off at Safe Harbor locations so they did not have to sit in foster care for 6-12 months (or longer) before being placed up for adoption.
As the court date approached, my anxiety increased. What were we doing? Most people have 9 months to prepare for a baby; we got 4 weeks. Was this fair to our kids, especially Kimmy who was only 11 months old? Would she hate me? Would Ted?s sister hate us? I was so conflicted but already felt so protective over this new baby.
The morning of the court date arrived. We left Teddy and Kimmy with a friend and headed out. As soon as we got there we began scanning the room for babies but there were none. Our social worker arrived and quickly briefed us on what would happen. She said she would petition the judge to let Karma (not Carmen, Ted misunderstood the name) live with us. It was ultimately up to the judge, but she assured us that the judge would listen and they like to place kids with family members if at all possible. A surge of new fear washed over me. What if the judge was moody that day? What if he said no? What if he saw how young our other 2 kids were and decided it was not fair to either side?
Then I saw her!
I spotted her before the social worker even pointed her out. I knew it was her because the couple carrying her in looked so sad. She was so tiny yet so perfect. I held my breath, squeezed Ted?s hand and pointed her out saying, ?I think that?s her!? The social worker looked up and waved the couple over to us and introduced them as Karma?s current foster family.
My arms ached and I immediately wanted to ask to hold her. I looked in the woman?s eyes filled with so much sorrow, and knew I had to wait.
The court room doors opened and our case number was called out. This was it, decision time.
Everyone filed in. Ted and I were the last to enter. We sat on one side of the room while Karma?s current parents sat on the other. I don?t remember hearing most of the proceedings that went on. I watched that mother the entire time. It was one of the most heart wrenching things I have ever seen. She held Karma so tight, stroking her head, kissing her face and whispering in her ear while tears just streamed down her face. I didn?t even realize I was crying too until Ted turned to me and ask me if I was ok. I told him I suddenly felt as if we were stealing someone?s baby from them. It made me feel sick. This couple obviously adored that little girl. How could we be so selfish? I wanted to jump up and scream, ?NO! NEVER MIND! Let them keep her!? yet I stayed in my seat.
The judge asked the social worker first where she thought the best placement would be. She replied that the best placement would be with us. Then the judge asked the Guardian at Litem (a court appointed person who is there to represent the child only), and she also replied that the best placement would be with us. Then the judge did something I never expected; he asked her current foster family where they felt Karma should be. I couldn?t breath, obviously they were going to say with them. They looked at Karma and over at us and said, ?She belongs with her family?.
Then the judge turned to us and asked us if we were willing to taking her. ?Yes, your honor? we both said, mine barely a whisper.
The judge said he felt the same and officially ruled that Karma would be placed in our custody and banged his gavel.
The sound echoed in the courtroom and all was quiet except for the muffled sobbing that was coming from both myself and the other mother holding our new baby.
I was not sure what this meant, our social worker told us to bring a car seat just in case, but that they may not officially transfer custody for a few days. Did this mean we were going home with a new baby or did we have to wait?
I still had not held her and I was so torn on whether I wanted to or not. I did not want to deny her any more time with the other mom. That was the woman who had been her mama the last 4 weeks. As far as that tiny baby was concerned the blonde woman on the other side of the courtroom was her mama. I was just some strange lady who wanted to take her away.
The social worker lead us all out of the courtroom and into a private room. She told the original foster family that they could take Karma home with them if they wanted and she would bring Karma to us the next day. The couple looked at us and shook their heads no. ?We have already said our goodbyes this morning,? the dad replied ?We can?t do it again.?
I KNEW IT! They hated us; we were stealing their little girl.
The social worker said that would be fine, handed Ted and I the legal paper work naming us as her current guardians and left us alone in the room to make the exchange. She told us all to take as much time as we needed.
The other mom was still crying. I was crying. It was a hot mess in that room.
?Do you want to hold her now??, the mom asked me. Oh, did I ever want to hold her, but I said no. I couldn?t do that to either of them yet.
They began to tell us a little bit about Karma. She was not sleeping too well at night and had a really bad diaper rash (sound familiar?) that was peeling and bloody at times. She was on a special prescription formula because she had some serious reflux and bloody stools with the previous formulas they had tried.
The mom went to change her diaper. She wanted me to see the rash. She began to apologize for it and assured me they had been trying really hard to get it to clear up. I told her we had 2 kids of our own so we know that diaper rashes happen to even the best parents.
They began to talk about their 2 yr old son at home. Can I just say how relieved I felt to know that they had a son so I was not taking their only baby from them.
The other mom pulled out a special scrapbook she had created for Karma. It was full of pictures of Karma taken in her first 4 weeks of life. We flipped through it together and oohhed and awwwed at the little face looking up at us from the photos.
It was at this point that I apologized to them and told them how sorry we were. I told them I felt like we were stealing her from them. The other mom smiled sweetly and told me it was ok, they always knew they were not going to be her permanent home. The other dad went on to say that if something ever happened to them they would want their son to be placed with family members, and that Karma belonged with us because we were her family. This made me feel a bit better to know they didn?t hate us but still did not totally lift my guilt.
We talked a bit more, they held Karma and said a few final goodbyes and then handed her over to us. It felt so right to hold her, like she was the missing piece to our family puzzle. I never wanted to let her go.
There were lots more tears, hugs and handshakes exchanged. We also exchanged emails and Myspace information so we could keep in touch. They said they would love to be able to see Karma?s progress and watch her grow. We even planned to maybe meet up in the future and have a play date. I wish I could say we were still in touch but somewhere along the way between 2 computers crashing on us and everyone switching from Myspace to Facebook we lost contact. I still remember their names though. Maybe I should look them up on Facebook!
Then we all left the room together. That morning we arrived with no baby and we were now taking a beautiful baby girl home. The other family arrived with a precious baby and were going home empty handed. Even if they knew all along that was what was to be, it still haunts me. They sent us home with 2 bags full of Karma?s ?things? and in them there were baby clothes still with tags in 3-6 and 6-9 month sizes. This made me think that on some level they had hoped she would be theirs. I do take comfort in knowing that even if we had not decided to take Karma, they would not have been able to adopt her because apparently there was a woman out there who had adopted another sibling that most people in the family knew nothing about. This woman was approached first and asked if she wanted to take Karma and she said no. She ended up changing her mind about 4 weeks after Karma was placed with us. That will lead me into Part 2?. Our week of TORTURE where we thought we were going to lose Karma.
Adoption Part 2: Losing Her
?We have a problem? the social worker began ?Karma has another sibling, a brother. The woman who adopted him has changed her mind and wants to adopt Karma too?.?
Keep on the lookout for the rest of Part 2. It will be posted at Adventures of Mommyhood: Mommy Outnumbered
You can find Christy blogging at Adventures of Mommyhood: Mommy Outnumbered, her personal blog, and for Instinctual Mamas. She is the mommy of four children ages 1, 2, 3 and 5. You can also find her on Facebook and can find Instinctual Mamas on Facebook as well.
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The wedding day is not the start of things but the peak of a huge preparation. Couples still have to pose in front of the camera for their pre-wedding photography session before they exchange I Do?s before their loved ones. Pre-wedding photos tell their love story to their family and pals, narrating the chapters of their lives with one another that lead to the wedding day. Not all soon-to-be-married lovers go through a pre-nuptial photo shoot, but, as those who have had it can swear, it is extremely urged that they do so.
The prenuptial photography shoot, referred to as engagement photo shoot occasionally, preps the bride and groom for their wedding day. It helps them feel relaxed before the camera and the photographer. The images from it are usually featured in the audio-visual presentation or slideshow at the wedding reception or included in the invitation and thank-you cards.
While every photographer has his personal style in making memorable shots, the bride and groom are still very much encouraged to say what they want the result to look like on pictures.
Pick a location that best mirrors the motif of your prenuptial shoot. Almost anywhere is fine as there are no hard rules on where you should hold it. You can have it on the beach or inside the photographer?s studio. Just bear in mind that some locations require a written permit from the officials so make sure you have one to secure the location you want.
Wherever you hold the pictorial shoot is fine, but always remember that you and your partner should feel comfortable and safe. The venue can become too public that you may feel shy and self-conscious when people watch. Or maybe the venue discourages bringing of costly camera equipment for fear it may get damaged or stolen.
The place, no matter how picturesque it is, is only the background. You can shoot your prenuptial photography session even with only a white cloth background. The pictures should first and foremost display the love you and your partner feel for one another. That is what makes the photo worthwhile to view and treasure for life.
Pre-wedding photography requires an expert eye. For all your photography needs, including wedding and overseas bridal photography, trust professionals to do the job. (6648). Unique version for reprint here: Pre-Wedding Photo Sessions: Tips On Venues.
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Let?s have a look first in the common mistakes that many people make before posting their contents to article sites:
1. Confusing the main reason to advertise the articles using the reason to create them.
In content creation, you will find three key benefits your reason for marketing them branding, prospecting and promotion, that are a part of your optimisation efforts.
But there?s just one reason you are writing articles, which would be to tell your audience. When the article isn?t centered on this primary and many important purpose, it?ll fail to offer the three promotion benefits because nobody will want to consider reading through them.
You have to determine first ways to get individuals to read what?s inside your article, make them click your authors resource box. You are able to accomplish this by creating better contents.
2. Neglecting to increase the marketing possibilities of article promotion.
You might know already that the articles will help you generate additional backlinks for your site. But are you aware that exist more site visitors and internet search engine is a result of that same articles?
Mention key phrases at proper places. Just make sure to not overdo them. Some are even using anchor texts also is a highly effective method. But you should realize that most of the sites aren?t able to support this.
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Begin having a plan and ensure that the article assists the function that you simply intended it to possess.
3. Posting content that doesn?t help your visitors.
Maybe along the way of writing and submitting articles, you?re convinced that all that?s you desired is backlinks for your site. And then any site visitors it may generate are fine.
You know what? Not every article banks and sites are likely to accept your articles instantly. Oftentimes, they?ve some recommendations and specifications about the articles that they?re accepting.
You are able to double the amount of sites you are able to undergo by writing and submitting articles the sites want to see others. It just takes one writer having a hundred 1000 visitors to improve your potential audience overnight.
Write the articles that marketers want within their guides if you would like your article promotion to operate the best way for you personally. This means you need to obey the conventional recommendations, spell inspections, researching on the good subject as well as employing a author to make a good content in your account.
Ultimately, it?s all a real matter of preference from you. You can begin obtaining a little exposure from elevated backlinks but on the very fundamental level. Or enjoy massive exposure from the little additional time making quality contents.
It will likely be your decision. You might not bear in mind to the fact that articles posted on sites isn?t meant to achieve the same degree of exposure as highly-specific content ones targeted on the narrow group.
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Willis Lease Finance Corporation has promoted Donald A. Nunemaker to serve as its president. Charles F. Willis continues to serve as chairman and chief executive officer.
?Don has made many significant contributions in a variety of capacities since joining Willis Lease in 1997,? Willis said. ?We have worked together for a long time, and Don is the right person to join me in leading the management team as we take advantage of the many opportunities in the marketplace?both today and in the future. His knowledge of our industry, customer base, management controls and operational functions, as well as his leadership abilities, makes him an ideal choice to run our company.?
Nunemaker has worked for Willis Lease for 14 years and has served in a variety of positions including Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, as well as a Director on the Willis Lease Board. He also served as President and CEO of former Willis engine parts subsidiary Willis Aeronautical Services, Inc., which was sold to SR Technics in 2000. Since 2007 he has held the position of Executive Vice President & General Manager?Leasing, responsible for the management of the Company?s engine leasing activities.
Nunemaker has been involved in the equipment leasing industry since 1973. Prior to joining Willis Lease, he was President and CEO of LeasePartners, Inc., Executive Vice President of Concord Asset Management, Inc., and held various senior positions with Chase Manhattan Leasing Company. Nunemaker earned a Masters of Business Administration degree from Indiana University.
Willis Lease Finance is a specialty leasing firm with revenues of $148 million in 2010. The Company leases spare commercial aircraft engines and aircraft to commercial airlines, aircraft engine manufacturers, air cargo carriers and maintenance, repair and overhaul facilities worldwide. These leasing activities are integrated with the purchase and resale of used and refurbished commercial aircraft engines.
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SEOUL (AFP) ? At least 36 people were killed and dozens missing Wednesday after the heaviest rains in decades pounded South Korea, triggering landslides and inundating hundreds of homes.
As main roads turned to rivers of churning, muddy water, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) said the death toll at 11:00 pm had climbed to 36 and was expected to rise, with dozens of people still missing, Yonhap news agency reported.
Thirteen people died when a mudslide hit an inn and three homes in the mountainous Chuncheon area 100 kilometres (60 miles) east of Seoul early Wednesday, NEMA said.
At least 17 people were killed the same day in southern Seoul by landslides from Umyeon mountain in the city, which was hit by 433.5 millimetres (17.34 inches) of rain in 40 hours between Tuesday and Wednesday.
Hundreds of people were forced to evacuate their homes.
A river in Gonjiam, about 30 kilometres (18 miles) southeast of Seoul, overflowed, killing three residents, the emergency agency said.
A landslide just north of the capital killed three factory workers, Yonhap said, citing media reports.
Search and rescue efforts by more than 500 firefighters and police were still underway at Chuncheon, where 10 of the victims were students from Inha University in the western city of Incheon, who were in the area for volunteer work.
"I was sleeping on the second floor of the pension (inn) when I heard the thunderous sound of a landslide. The stairs collapsed and I was buried under mud," one student rescued by firefighters told Yonhap news agency.
NEMA said 20 others were injured, four of them seriously.
In Seoul, police declared an emergency, and more than 4,000 officers were mobilised to help ease traffic gridlock, block roads deemed too dangerous to use, and aid rescue efforts.
The military also dispatched 1,500 soldiers to help with rescue work in the capital, Yonhap reported.
Streets, subway stations, underpasses and residential districts were flooded throughout Seoul.
"We are overwhelmed by so many rescue requests and it's not easy to keep track (of the damage)," a NEMA official told AFP.
The agency said floods or mudslides shut 37 major roads nationwide, including 23 in Seoul, and more than 700 homes were flooded in the capital. Others in the city were meanwhile prevented from leaving home by landslides or flooding.
News reports said more than 150 traffic lights were malfunctioning in Seoul, worsening the jams, while mobile phone networks were cut off in some areas.
TV images showed main streets turned into a sea of muddy water dotted with the roofs of submerged cars, with some drivers abandoning vehicles to run to safety.
Apartments and houses struck by landslides were destroyed or buried under a mass of mud, with scores of destroyed cars tossed on top of each other and tangled with uprooted trees.
Photos posted on social networking sites showed scores of cars stranded on motorways, with rising water forcing some drivers to climb onto the top of vehicles.
A video posted on YouTube showed a torrent of brown water engulfing houses and everything else on its way, with the person behind the camera yelling, "My house is almost gone!"
The Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) forecast more downpours until Friday, with expected rainfall of up to 250 millimetres until Thursday in some areas in Seoul and nearby regions.
Rare downpours tallying more than 110 millimetres of rain per hour were recorded in southern Seoul, a KMA spokesman told AFP.
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THE HAGUE (Reuters) ? Serbia's last major war crimes suspect refused to enter a plea on charges over the 1991-1995 Croatian war when he made a brief first appearance at the U.N.'s Yugoslavia tribunal on Monday.
The arrest of Goran Hadzic, 52, and his transfer to The Hague last week were a symbolic moment for both Serbia and the Balkans region, ending an 18-year manhunt to detain all 161 suspects indicted by the Yugoslavia war crimes court.
The European Union has insisted that Serbia arrests all wanted war criminals before it grants candidate status for membership. It is due to issue a progress report in October.
"Mr Hadzic is not going to enter a plea today. He is going to avail himself of the rights granted to him," Hadzic's duty counsel Vladimir Petrovic told the court.
Speaking outside the court, Petrovic said Hadzic wanted to appoint his defense team first and to study the indictment before entering a plea.
"It is practically a new indictment, so Mr Hadzic didn't have more than 48 hours to go through it," Petrovic said, adding that Hadzic wants to have prominent Serbian lawyer Toma Fila, who has past experience at the tribunal, to be his permanent attorney.
Hadzic is charged with 14 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity. These include the extermination, torture, murder and willful killing of hundreds of Croat and other non-Serb civilians -- in particular, 264 hospital patients who were killed in Vukovar in 1991.
In the hearing that lasted just under 15 minutes, Judge O-Gon Kwon said that a second arraignment hearing would be scheduled within 30 days as Hadzic had not entered a plea.
Suspects at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia have the right to delay entering a plea for up to 30 days. But if they then still refuse to enter one, the court may enter a plea of not guilty on their behalf.
Flanked by four guards, Hadzic looked tired when he appeared in court, shorn of the long black beard that he sported during the Balkan wars but with a grey mustache.
Hadzic was on the run for seven years, outlasting the better known indicted war criminal from the 1990s breakup of Yugoslavia, Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic.
At least 130,000 people were killed as the Yugoslav federation was torn apart in various wars between Serbs, Croats, Muslims and Albanians during the 1990s.
Wearing a dark suit, Hadzic declined to hear the indictment read aloud to him, but was otherwise co-operative, and there were no signs of the defiance shown by Mladic, who in June dismissed the charges against him as obnoxious and monstrous.
The court went into private session for a couple of minutes for Hadzic's lawyer to ask a question. When the public session resumed soon after, judge Kwon adjourned the hearing.
Serbian security officials arrested Hadzic about 65 km (40 miles) north of Belgrade last week. He was allowed a visit from his family before his transfer to The Hague on Friday.
Few Serbs lamented Hadzic's departure, in contrast to the public reaction to the arrest of Mladic in May and of Bosnian Serb wartime political chief Radovan Karadzic three years ago.
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According to this screenshot, T-Mobile retail locations will be receiving SD cards pre-loaded with the files to update the MyTouch 4G and T-Mobile G2 to Gingerbread, as well as updating the MyTouch 3G Slide to the latest Froyo version. Coming August 1, techs in the stores will be able to assist customers who have difficulty understanding or completing the OTA update process, which is a great way to help the less tech-inclined folks that still love the freedom and customization that Android offers.
We've already seen that the Gingerbread update for the MyTouch 4G is in the works, and Gingerbread for the G2 has been leaked out as well as accidentally shipped on some warranty devices, but it looks like things are a go for an OTA roll out, and not a moment too soon.
Source: TmoNews
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There are certainly various moneymaking opportunities in real estate, allowing investors to generate profits through property investing even in a declining market.
One of the most common ways to earn quick cash through real estate is to buy distressed properties. Distressed properties are those that are part of a short sale, bank owned or homes that are up for foreclosures. These properties can be rehabilitated to increase their value, allowing you to generate a significant amount of money in profits.
Purchasing homes that are up for foreclosure is steadily becoming popular among investors. These properties are typically sold through public auctions and most of them need to be repaired or renovated. Most foreclosed homes have tax or creditor liens and on some cases, homeowners are still living in the property until they are forced out by the sale.
It is important for investors to determine the real cost of the foreclosed homes they want to purchase. Note that removing liens or evicting homeowners could turn into a tedious, expensive and time consuming task. However, if you manage to find a house, which has been vacant for months and carry no liens, then it is an excellent investment.
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On the other hand, bank owned properties is more expensive than foreclosed properties. However, investors have the chance to negotiate the removal of liens with the creditors. Additionally, the bank will handle the eviction of homeowners, in case they still live in the property. Because bank-owned properties are bought with clean titles, it is cheaper than foreclosed properties.
One of the most popular ways to generate profits quickly through real estate investing is to buy properties held in probate or buying bank portfolios consisting of multiple properties. This type of investment option is often referred to as wholesaling.
Investors purchasing wholesale properties buy them in ?as is? condition. This means they do not renovate or repair the property. They simply buy the property and sell them off for profit. Typically, wholesale investors earn 10% to 40% profits per property.
Just a few years ago, house flipping is the most preferred way investors earn profits in real estate. House flipping refers to buying an undervalued property, renovating the property, and selling it off for a higher price. However, due to bad economic climate, many investors are thinking twice of buying a property and then spending thousands of dollars rehabilitating the property. The best way to generate profits through house flipping is to have connection to the right people, like joining a real estate club.
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Published on July 25, 2011.
The News Staff
Tags: Houston commercial property, houston homes for sale, houston housing, houston mortgage, Houston real estate, Houston Realtors, real estate news
This amount was spent on 36 properties, which placed Israelis second on the company's list, behind only Canadians. Overall, foreign investors accounted for 7.5 percent of all real estate purchases in U.S. incoming-producing real estate during the period. Israelis represented one-tenth of these investments, which was 0.75 percent of the total.
Houston properties received the most attention from Israelis, accounting for 60 percent of their investments in office space during the first half of 2011.
While the real estate market in Washington, D.C. attracted one-third of foreign investors during the year's first six months, Israelis were mainly absent from its commercial sector.
Houston's placement atop the list is intriguing, as Texas was recently found to have the second-greatest average closing costs for mortgages, according to
Courtesy of 2M Realty News
Article Author: Real Estate News
The News Staff has written 313 articles for the Houston Real Estate Observer.
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Stay current with the national, Texas and Houston real estate news, trends, and editorials. We monitor market trends and economic factors to deliver timely topics and political wrangling. Click the following link to see all Real Estate News.
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The Girls of Murder City focuses on two women who were charged with drunkenly murdering their lovers (one was married and the other divorced) in 1920s Chicago--during Prohibition. Belva Gaertner and Beulah Annan were the two prettiest and classiest women on "murderess row" down at the po-po station. It was a crowded place. It turns out all kinds of women were murdering their husbands and lovers--and popping right back out of jail because the all-male juries at the time basically refused to convict pretty girls. Seriously? Yes.
I love a good true crime story, but this book also gave me insight into old-school newspaper coverage. Maurine Watkins, the reporter who covered the trial for the Chicago Tribune, jumped right into the manly world of crime reporting and slayed it. Watkins was AWESOME. (Oh yeah, and she later went on to write Chicago.) Back then, reporters could go in jail cells to interview the incarcerated, so Belva and Beulah put on quite the show. Watkins saw right through them.
Douglas Perry recreates the 1920s scene perfectly. I could vividly picture all of the characters and the madness that surrounded this trial. Fresh off the Casey Anthony verdict, I realized that media sensationalism has been here all along:
"Court fans--Beulah fans--had begun arriving at the courthouse two hours before the doors opened and rushed for seats as soon as they were allowed inside. A large crowd didn't make it into Judge Lindsay's courtroom; bailiffs had to force the doors shut after the room filled past capacity. The lucky ones who did get in sat on windowsills and stood on benches. Unable to see from the back, young women, throwing propriety aside, asked to be boosted up by strange men."
Women were supposed to be quiet and meek back then. These murderesses threw a wrench in all of that. They certainly weren't alone because the jail was filled with "girl" gunners at the time. I find it interesting that even though women have been offing their enemies since the beginning of time, people still find it horrifying when a female commits a "male crime." Even now in 2011, it's "shocking" when a woman murders someone. It goes against everything that is feminine and pretty and good. Interesting. Why? Food for another post.
The Girls of Murder City is available in paper now, so hook yourself up. I won't tell you what happens to the murderesses because reading about them was so enjoyable that I refuse to spoil it. Even if you've seen the movie, you will want to read about the real deal. There are many more characters to enjoy besides Belva and Beulah--all sorts of wacky people doing wackadoo things. Oh Chicago, you've always been such a wild city. I'm amazed I escaped you unscathed...
(Also? Props to the cover designers. Love it.)
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Bass fishing represents one of the most popular fishing sports practiced today. Its popularity has yielded a multi-billion dollar industry unto itself aside from the business of other modes of sport fishing. There are boats on the market designed specifically for bass fishing. Freshwater sport fishing in Florida provided recreational opportunities for over 1.32 million people over age 16 and generated an economic output of $2.0 billion in 2001.
Aside from that Florida freshwater recreational fishing generated 19519 jobs with earnings of $484 million in 2001. Florida freshwater fishing provided 20.8 million angler days of recreation (92% resident) based on 14.5 million trips. Bass habitats include a variety of environments from rivers lakes streams and even ponds. In order to fish bass from rivers it is best to seek out breaks in the current perhaps from a fallen tree a stump or rocks. The fish that bass feed upon will normally school below a dam thereby making these sports ideal for bass fishing.
There are at least 32 species of fish commonly caught in the numerous lakes ponds canals and rivers throughout Southwest Florida. The anglers pursuing the most popular of these freshwater game fish are locally referred to as either bass fisherman ?perch jerkers? pan fisherman or catfishermen depending upon the object of their pursuit.The most common and popular of these are Largemouth Bass Catfish Panfish Chain pickerel and Crappie.
Largemouth Bass without a doubt is the most sought after game fish in Florida. Every freshwater river canal lake and pond in South West Florida is abundant with what is locally referred to as ?panfish? for the thick tasty fillets they provide. The term actually covers a wide variety of pan sized fish in the sunfish family. An angler needs only to arm themselves with a cane pole and a can of worms or crickets for guaranteed success in catching supper.
However most anglers opt for the ultra-light spinning outfits with tiny spinners and spoons or the fly rod with popping bugs. While not particularly sought after the pickerel must still be considered a game fish for its savage attacks on the lures most commonly thrown by bass fisherman. They are fast tackle busting acrobatic fighters. While edible they are usually released due the many pesky little bones in their fillets.
Also locally called speckled perch or ?specks? and considered as the favorite of the ?perch jerkers? or crappie fisherman that pursue them. These quick striking fish fall for a variety of lures. They congregate in large schools and once located provide the angler with plenty of action and a great fish fry.
There are innumerable techniques and types of tackle available to practice the sport of bass fishing. Some suggestions point towards acquiring a 10-pound line suitable for the average sizes and weights of this species. Also it is suggested to start with artificial bait until the angler has a better understanding of the unique characteristics of the bass fish. The Spinnerbait is common artificial bait used by both amateur and seasoned anglers.
It was designed to reduce the rising costs of restocking hatchery-raised fish and was normally used for fish not meant for consumption. Popular consensus does not consider bass as a food fish and thus this technique is widely used.
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The state of Florida is known for its exceptional bass fishing. A lot of boats on the market are designed specifically for bass fishing and generates revenues as well for the boat owners.
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Fishing, an act of catching fish. Fishing for sport, leisure, and relaxation is called sport fishing, or angling, derived from the Old English word angel, meaning ?fishhook?.?
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Florida has gained an international acknowledgment for its exceptional saltwater fishing but the outstanding freshwater fishing has not yet captured the widespread attention of the same amount of...
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Bass fishing has become one of the most popular sports around. The publicity around bass fishing is part of why it has become very popular. Most people also have lots of fun and excitement fishing...
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Bass Fishing In Florida
The idea ?homeschooling? basically is the word for the process whereby
one and up children of only 2 family members are told by
mother and father or legal guardians, or perhaps a new member of sometimes household. Your
laws which define homeschooling change from State to mention. The legal
requirements for establishing the homeschool also vary while using
For all children, the exact process regarding learning will start much
in advance of school. Many children already know just their alphabets, this
names regarding animals, colors and also other more challenging stuff in advance of
they reach school. This is certainly caused by due to hard work of an member
of the family who has taken plenty of time to teach the infant.
Homeschooling is merely a pure progression by here. As an alternative to
sending its children to a public classes, parents make their very own
curriculum and teach its children within ways which best suit the
youngster. This can be homeschooling, within its almost all simplistic sort.
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regarding other homeschoolers. Find released the positives and negatives of
homeschooling. Then consider why you would want to adopt the following
method. This is a very important aspect, for the reason that success of the
program is dependent upon the quality and sincerity within your purpose.
Following, it can be time take into account the expenses of homeschooling. It could
cost cover anything from a several hundred dollars to a few 1000
every year or so. More significantly, you can also be effectively turning
out just about any job possibility for one of the parents. It truly is only evident
that one particular parent need to stay at home full time to control the
homeschool. A home-based business however is a good alternative.
Will you be qualified to adopt on homeschooling to your children?
Teaching is usually a continuation within your own learning process. While using
advent of the internet, info is aplenty. You?ll find various
books and resources for all interested within homeschooling. Go
through the different methods regarding homeschooling and choose one which
is almost all suited to you personally. It helps if you know what kind of learning
style your son or daughter has. In addition, find released what your son or daughter feels about
homeschooling prior to starting.
Every say has its laws relating to homeschooling. To get
instance, within North Carolina, you need to first document a ?Notice regarding
Intent? to start out a house school. In this you must mention when the
school is usually a ?Private church? classes or the ?qualified non-public
school?. The individuals providing this education should have
a minimum of a high school graduation diploma. You have to maintain a good annual
record of the child?s attendance and disorder immunization. Every single
year, the infant is instructed to undergo the standardized examination. Each
student participating in the eleventh grade must take the nationally
standardised test. Most are the prerequisites in North Carolina,
but it is enough to supply you recommended of just what exactly homeschooling
Homeschooling may could be seen as numerous fun and freedom on the
outside. Then again, things are seldom as easy as that they seem.
Homeschooling will always be of put in responsibility and 6-pack abs. But,
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