So you went to a network marketing business meeting. There were people there who had achieved very attractive sounding lifestyles just working out of the comfort of their home, part time!
They were saying something very interesting too. ?It really is not like sales, it is more like sharing, everyone needs this and you need to share it with all of your friends because if you don?t, they will be mad at you for leaving them out when you hit the big time.?
Then you join up and do everything your sponsor says you need to do and you cannot understand why it is not working. It makes no sense because your sponsor told you that your family should be glad to be buying the product from you instead of some big corporation. Why make them richer when they could be buying from you?
You may not think in these terms and you may think you are doing something wrong but in all honesty, it is not your fault you are failing. The reason it is not working is you have been LIED to. You can?t blame your sponsor though because they are only doing what THEIR sponsor told them to do.
One thing that most people overlook is the type of company they have joined. Network marketing and multi-level marketing both have the word marketing in them. Direct sales has the word sales in it. Every business needs to sell something so money will come in or it will fail. To generate SALES you must learn MARKETING.
Any time you want to exchange something you own for money, it is sales. If you want someone to buy from someone else so you earn a commission, it is sales. Sharing is giving something that you bought, made, or learned away. If you buy something and give it away someone will make money but it won?t be you.
If you start out trying to build a network marketing business with the idea that you are sharing there are 3 things that will happen. First, The company and you up-line will make money but you will not, on the contrary, you will lose money.
Second, you will think it is going to be more like child?s play than work and you will not even think about learning proper marketing techniques. So you will get eaten alive by all the wolves in the business.
Third, when you figure out that it will take work to succeed you are more likely to quit than do the work because you will feel like you have been lied to, which you have.
There are several reasons this lie is used. Sponsors want to make the business sound easy for new prospects. They don?t want to scare anyone off by telling them it is sales. Most people hate sales and really only about 10 to 15% of the people out there have the right personality for it.
They also want you to use your personal contact list as a prospect list for building your business. They tell you that your friends should want to buy from you as opposed to helping some large corporation keep getting richer.
They also make sure to remind you that word of mouth is the most effective form of advertising. All you have to do is share your product or opportunity to everyone you know and they will have to buy from you. But, for some reason it doesn?t work as well as you thought.
Why? When you were telling them about that great song, movie, restaurant, or anything else you had nothing to gain from it. Now that there is profit to be made and your success depends on making the sale, it does not come out so smooth or flow as easy.
You are a little uncomfortable and your prospect knows that you will make money from it and that makes them suspicious because they know that if you have profit to be made you are biased towards the product. Everyone out there thinks one thing before they spend money. What is in it for me? How will this help me?
Those last two questions are very revealing when it comes to the most important thing anyone who is in sales needs to learn before they will be an effective marketer. It is important to know a lot about the product so you can explain the benefits but even more important is to know the client or prospect. You need to identify what their true wants, needs, and desires are.
Tags: home part time, multi level marketing, network marketing business, word marketing, word salesRelated posts
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